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Metabolic Healing and Renovation 


Have you ever gone on a diet, lost weight and then gained it all back plus more?  This is because diets don't work! The only successful thing a diet does is destroy your self confidence and self worth. Counting and restricting calories, avoiding certain foods, exercising too much and feeling guilty or shameful for enjoying food is no way to live.    

The key to sustainable change is healing and reprogramming your metabolism.  With this scientifically based program, you will be able to balance the hormones that are in charge of huger and fullness, as well as hormones that tell the body to burn or store fat.  Say goodbye to yo-yo dieting and start healing your metabolism today.  I use a non-diet approach and teach clients how to eat balanced nutritious foods that will provide sustainable energy throughout the day, killing cravings while keeping you satisfied.  Ditch the diet, poison, processed foods and start feeling better almost instantaneously.  The main focus of the metabolic healing process is based on nutrition, but it also includes lifestyle factors as well.  Let me guide you on your journey to sustainable wellness.  

To schedule, please call me 406)880-9402.

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